Going to Gozo for carnival weekend? Here are 6 things you will experience!
The good, the bad and the ugly

Kristina Cassar Dowling

Heading to Gozo for carnival has become a rite of passage for most, a ritual that’s as sacred as panto at Christmas and figolli during Easter. And, the Nadur carnival is synonymous with fun and excitement. The sheer anticipation of a weekend filled with adventure, spontaneity and full-blown chaos has us counting the minutes till we head off! Here are 6 things you can expect from a mad few days!

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1. The excitement of choosing your costume

First things first… what are you going to wear? Black jeans, a couple of jumpers, something nice for dinner? But, what about your costume? After a bit of worry, panic and a little bit of hesitation, you'll decide. Costume planning is sometimes scarily difficult and other times fairly easy. Just be sure to plan everything out before you get to our sister island - nobody likes a half-hacked character.

2. The buzz of ‘independent’ living

Independence, responsibility, adventure… maybe even the slight fear of the unknown? That all lies in store this weekend. This rush of free living makes us believe we can do it alone! Little do we realise that this is a false independence, esconced by friends, doused in alcohol, without the responsibilities of everyday life. But hey, we’re living! And, we feel like we can do anything! 

3. The chills of winter (and excessive alcohol)

You’re a young 20-something heading to Nadur for a big bash; your costume calls for a gun’s out kinda frock, maybe even a 'way above the knee' kinda skirt; you’re young and unstoppable. You can do it! Wrong! The chill of the biting winter cold gets you, a chill which runs right down your spine. That chill is only comparable to the chills you’ll get tomorrow - those excessive vodka chills. Brrrrrr.

4. The dread of the shower

It’s 4am, you’ve made it home (quite early for a change) and your hair stinks of booze and cigarettes, and hopefully not much more. You know you’re going to regret it if you don’t hop into that shower and wash the filth off. Maybe you’ll be able to wash off some of your guilt with that too. 

5. The chaos of leaving

Let’s be frank. There’s never a good time to leave Gozo after a carnival weekend. You think you’ll get to the ferry before everyone else if you skip lunch, but you’re wrong. You hold out until the evening, and the queue is still insane. Your best option? Chill braah; keep the party going in the ferry line and you’ll get home soon enough. Emotion in queue: relax king.

6. The lethargy of the return

After the dreaded ferry ride home, the drive feels like a 12-hour flight across the globe, and climbing the stairs to your front door feels as if you're trekking Everest. The brief, albeit torturous, conversation you have with your parents is the only thing left keeping you from your bed. But finally, you’re back. There are no emotions here, no feelings whatsoever - just numbness.

Your carnival weekend in Gozo is bound to be a roller coaster of emotions. But most of us endure this ‘fun ride’ year in, year out... after all, it’s part of our culture, and we want it all!

1st March 2019

Kristina Cassar Dowling
Written by
Kristina Cassar Dowling
A local writer in love with the Maltese islands, Kristina is a hunter for all things cultural both in Malta and outside its shores. A curious foodie, music fanatic, art lover and keen traveller with an open mind and a passion for writing.

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